DNV GL Digital Hub Singapore


Data Services

Data is becoming the new raw material of business.

The one who can retreive value from data will take big advantage in the competition. DNVGL Digital Hub provides services to cover whole life cycle of data operation.

Data Acquisition

Internet of Things (IoT) plays a key role in our day to live, we focus on the connectivity of the things in the world. With the boost of IoT technology, we foresee more and more data will come from sensors.

The amount of data from sensors will be huge. How to aquire the data without loss, how to reduce the cost for sensor installation, how to reduce the cost of solution operation will be the key.

We have rich experience on the IoT projects, strong at ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) and can provide our customer consulting service to achive optimal architecture for data aquisition.

Data Analytics

Data analytics brings the value from the data, our offerings varies from classical rule-based analytics to machine learning to deep learning.

We managed to deliver data analytics projects sucessfully in various industries (Smart City, Energy, Maritime, Oil and Gas) to help our customers to be more efficient and bring better intelligence to their business.

The team can not only help the customers develop data analytics solutions, but can also do prototype to verify hypothesis to make it quick and cheap, and provide consulting services.

Data Platform

Veracity, DNV GL’s data platform, allows multiple participants (producers and consumers) to connect to it, interact with each other and create and exchange value:

Veracity holds a great potential to unlock value for assets owners and reduce friction in the interaction between the asset owner and their stakeholders. Veracity creates an ecosystem, where value can be created between providers and consumers of data and services, and where developers and data scientists can be connected to further enrich the data.

For more information about DNV GL’s Veracity platform, click here.